Jun 23, 2008
Dan's trip through flooding in
south east Wisconsin.
Mail bag:
Earl sends one in on Louisiana
trying it again. (Anti-Evolution Bill)
Mike sends in two, but due to
Dan's computer prowess...... maybe another time.
The Rest of the
1) Pastor Gus Booth of Warroad
Community Church tells his parishioners to vote
2) Ohio teacher burns crosses on
students arms.
3) Memphis police officer brutally
beats transsexual prostitute. SNAKES OF THE WEEK -
Memphis Police, J. Swain and especially B. McRae.
4) Campaign button seller banned
by the GOP.
5) Gloucester high school teens
had a pact to get pregnant.
6) Arthur Tesler, Atlanta cop,
found guilty on one count of lying.
7) Israel conducting war
8) Soul Diva Amy
9) Ed McMahon.