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Elimination of the Snakes

The word "politics" is derived from the word "poly" meaning "many", and the word "ticks", meaning "blood sucking parasites".

Aug 3, 2009

Mail Bag:

Two from Mike this week:
1) Boston Police Officer Justin Barrett's Jungle Monkey Email.
2) A Sudanese journalist could receive 40 lashings after she was caught wearing trousers.

Three from, the banty rooster herself who must be obeyed, Becky:
1) Madison Peace Park facelift is "scum park" redux.
2) Taking Dan to task again.(What a gal!)
3) Sarah Palin watch.
Some sucking up from Dan.(To little to late I'm thinking.)

The Rest of the Show:

1) Trustee sues Ruth Madoff for more than $44 Million.

2) Hawaii reasserts Obama "natural-born" citizen.

3) Court rules in favor of drunk sleeping it off in car.

The Conspiracy Theory this week:

101 USES FOR A DEAD (or live) BABY!

Aborted fetuses used in cosmetics???

Where do aborted fetuses REALLY go?

The show closes with a little more sucking up.(Good luck with that Dan.)