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Elimination of the Snakes

The word "politics" is derived from the word "poly" meaning "many", and the word "ticks", meaning "blood sucking parasites".

Dec 5, 2011

John wins big in a class action suit. A check for $0.05. WooHoo!

The pumpkin pie saga continues.

Packers 12-0. WooHoo!

Badgers go the the Rose Bowl. WooHoo!

Fact or Crap? John gets 2 for 2. WooHoo!

Mail Bag:

Some humor from Dave.

Three from Dennis: (Pushing Dan's buttons again.)
1) Black student sparks debate with Confederate flag.
2) Afghan president pardons rape victim sent to jail for adultery.
3) Small Kentucky church bans interracial couples.
Snakes of the Week - Members at the Gulnare Free Will Baptist Church.

One from Peter: Madison District to release teachers' sick notes next week.

The Rest of the Show:

All email this week.