May 31, 2010
Hug a Vet this Memorial Day.
God bless our troops.
Mail Bag:
1) Did you get a raise? Remember in November.
2) Bumper stickers are getting angrier.
One from the Banty Rooster(Becky): She has some
IABL Worldwide scam?
One from Harold: Making money at roulette?
Al sends one in this week: Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on
Immigrants and being an AMERICAN.
The Rest of the
1) Our condolences to families of Garry Coleman and Dennis
2) Census workers can enter your apartment in your
3) Runaway Christian convert being treated for cancer,
friend says.
4) Social Engineers of Madison, WI.
5) Overture Center Madison, WI.
6) Mayor says city must act to save Overture.
7) Squatters in Madison WI. Operation Welcome