Sep 13, 2010
Another mention of our contest.
Mail Bag:
One from Dennis: What do these words have in
1. Banana
2. Dresser
3. Grammar
4. Potato
5. Revive
6. Uneven
7. Assess
Two from Mike:
1) ICE proposes new policy that would let illegal
immigrants go free.
2) Pastor Terry Jones calls off Quran burning.
One from Earl on Obama being out of touch.
The Rest of the
1) Two of the year's best comeback lines.
2) Iran woman lashed 99 times could be stoned to death
3) Sheriffs in North Carolina want lists of patients using
4) Why is outspoken Hollywood silent on plans to build
Mosque near Ground Zero?
5) Brandon Johnson incident: Officer baited in altercation
that injured him.
Snakes of the Week - James
Harrington and Willard Gupton.
6) Christian students ordered to stop praying on grounds of
U.S. Supreme Court.