Mar 14, 2016
Spring like weather in Wisconsin. YaHoo!!
We'll be taking Easter off.
Fact or Crap: Two for Dan, one for John.
A little story from Dan.
Mail Bag:
Two from Sam:
1) Dan is wrong, Target sucks.
2) Pasta strainer headgear OK on drivers license photo.
Two from Al:
1) Thomas Jefferson
2) Some Clinton humor.
Three from Peter:
1) Boko Haram Surrender: 76 starving members surrender to military officers.
2) Major Donor demands CEO resignation at Wounded Warriors.
3) 5 women file suit to end New York "tampon tax".
Three from Joe:
1) Escaped Mississippi murder suspect killed by family he held hostage.
2) Pro-gun activist Jamie Gilt accidentally shot by her 4-year-old son.
3) The painful twilight of Barack Obama’s presidency.
The Rest of the
All email again this week.