May 18, 2022
Life and political podcast.
Brought to you from The Divided States of America.
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Midterm elections...
Our democracy is irrevocably broke.
Fact or Crap:
Two right for John and one for Dan this week.
Mail Bag: ( )
No mail this week.
From an idiots mind: (FAIM)
Black Lives Matter paid nearly $4M to board secretary, co-founder's brother, and father of her child.
Some good news:
Adorable blind baby goat is melting hearts in Edgerton, WI.
The rest of the news:
Kiel, Wisconsin school district charges kids for using wrong pronouns.
Perpetually offended, hypersensitive Bullshit! One old man's opinion.
Beijing 2022: Winter Olympics hit by deluge of complaints from athletes.
Video of the Week: