Feb 25, 2013
Are Meteorologist's and Chiropractor's
A shameless plug for Dan's book.
Fact or Crap: One a piece for John, two wrong for
Mail Bag:
Some humor from Al.
Three from Dennis:
1) Teacher suspended for pouring pencil shavings in
students mouth.
2) Medical Examining Board plans changes in
Feb 18, 2013
Valentines Day stories.
More on the Food Stamp Challenge.
Fact or Crap: One a piece each this week.
Mail Bag:
Two from Al in New Jersey:
1) Meaning of a flag draped coffin.
2) Winter Poem.
A couple from Ray.
Two from Denny:
1) Man slaps crying baby and drops the N-bomb on a Delta
2) Pelosi: Congressional...
Feb 11, 2013
Some Superbowl talk.
Dan has a car story.
Fact or Crap: One a piece for John, two wrong for
Mail Bag:
Some humor from Mike. The story of an ant.
Some more humor from Ray.
Two from Al in New Jersey:
1) Walmart knows something.
2) A shot at Obama.
One from Peter on NBA vs NFL.
The Rest of the