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Elimination of the Snakes

The word "politics" is derived from the word "poly" meaning "many", and the word "ticks", meaning "blood sucking parasites".

Jun 26, 2017

Author Bruce Janacek joins us again this week.

Fact or Crap: We didn't do well this week.

Mail Bag:

No mail bag, all Bruce show.

The Rest of the Show:

Winter Fall.

The show starts with Bruce reading his book's epilogue.

Dan and Bruce discuss the reading.

Dan asks Bruce to compare himself to other authors.

The book's...

Jun 5, 2017

We had problems with Skype, but we got through the show.

Fun at the Memorial Day Parade.

Family reunion.

Author Bruce Janacek will be on again soon.

Fact or Crap: Batting 1000 this week.

Mail Bag:

One from Mike: What deep things retired men think of.

Three from Char:

1) Murphys other 15 laws.

2) Something to think...