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Elimination of the Snakes

The word "politics" is derived from the word "poly" meaning "many", and the word "ticks", meaning "blood sucking parasites".

Oct 31, 2016

Yes, John is still retired.

Friends from 8th grade.

Retirement Plans.

Another stupid story, Dan's words.

Fact or crap: One a piece for both of us this week.

Mail Bag:

A request from a guy at work. A profound paragraph.

One from Char: A point to ponder.

This is exactly how politics works....

Three from Pete:

1) Gregg...

Oct 24, 2016

Republicans: HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!?

It's all over!


Dan's air conditioner/hornet adventure.

Fact or Crap: Batting 1000 this week.

Mail Bag:

One from Char: A profound paragraph.

One from Joe: Black female doctor says Delta flight attendant told her unresponsive man needed "actual physicians".

The Rest of...

Oct 17, 2016

We're done with vacations for awhile.

John is retired and Dan isn't Dammit.

Mackinaw Island, the smell of chocolate and horse shit.

Fact or crap: One a piece for both of us this week.

Mail Bag:

One from Char: Fake ID.(Pictured)

One from Peter: Pregnant college student kicked out of dorms, forces policy change.


Oct 3, 2016

Dan had a good vacation at the cabin.

Dan missed the debate, he didn't miss much.

Dan got mail from Hillary.

One of these jokers is going to get in!

Bernie Sanders?

A fishing story from Dan.

Fact or Crap: Two for Dan, one for John.

Mail Bag:

Five from Char:

1) Police retraining.

Tangent alert: Dick the barber...