Mar 30, 2015
2016 Presidential Election.
Fact of Crap: One a piece for both of us.
Wisconsin State Trooper killed in shootout.
Mail Bag:
One from Joe: Starbucks stirs up controversy with "Race
Together" campaign.
Two from Pete:
1) Deported Mexican sentenced to prison for re-entering
2) Rep. Aaron Schock to resign amid...
Mar 23, 2015
End of season snow storm in Clyde.
A great story courtesy of Earl.
Expounded on by Dan.
Shopping at Walmart.
Fact or Crap: Batting 1000 again this week.
Disneyland is expensive.
Mail Bag:
Three from Pete:
1) Student group demands California university rename
building after convicted cop killer.
Tangent: More
Mar 16, 2015
Beautiful weather in Clyde.
A little Dan story.
Fact or Crap: Batting 1000 this week.
Mail Bag:
One from Al in New Jersey: Beyond funny.
Four from Joe:
1) Indian bride walks out of wedding after groom gets math
problem wrong.
2) Beitlich sentenced to 8 years in South Side
3) "It's horrendous": Teen girl...
Mar 9, 2015
Lead-in music.
Spring has sprung in Clyde.
Fact of Crap: Two right for John, one for Dan.
Mail Bag:
Some humor from Mike.
Couple from Joe:
1) Cops killed man in Walmart, interrogate
2) Cottage Grove man arrested on suspicion of burning house
intended for sex offender.
The Rest
Mar 2, 2015
Winter is drawing to a close.
Weathermen, Ugh!!
Fact or Crap: One a piece for both of us.
Dog intelligence rankings.
Bar tricks.
Mail Bag:
Some humor from Mike.
1) You may be a Muslim
2) Mayday Mayday.
Two from Peter:
1) Brian Bostick.
2) Helicopter rescues 2 suspected Historic Military
Four from...