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Elimination of the Snakes

The word "politics" is derived from the word "poly" meaning "many", and the word "ticks", meaning "blood sucking parasites".

Mar 30, 2015

2016 Presidential Election.

Fact of Crap: One a piece for both of us.

Wisconsin State Trooper killed in shootout.

Mail Bag:

One from Joe: Starbucks stirs up controversy with "Race Together" campaign.

Two from Pete:
1) Deported Mexican sentenced to prison for re-entering US.
2) Rep. Aaron Schock to resign amid...

Mar 23, 2015

End of season snow storm in Clyde.

A great story courtesy of Earl.

Expounded on by Dan.

Shopping at Walmart.

Fact or Crap: Batting 1000 again this week.

Disneyland is expensive.

Mail Bag:

Three from Pete:
1) Student group demands California university rename building after convicted cop killer.

Tangent: More on...

Mar 16, 2015

Beautiful weather in Clyde.

A little Dan story.

Fact or Crap: Batting 1000 this week.

Mail Bag:

One from Al in New Jersey: Beyond funny.

Four from Joe:
1) Indian bride walks out of wedding after groom gets math problem wrong.
2) Beitlich sentenced to 8 years in South Side beating.
3) "It's horrendous": Teen girl...

Mar 9, 2015

Lead-in music.

Spring has sprung in Clyde.


Fact of Crap: Two right for John, one for Dan.

Mail Bag:

Some humor from Mike.

Couple from Joe:
1) Cops killed man in Walmart, interrogate girlfriend.
2) Cottage Grove man arrested on suspicion of burning house intended for sex offender.

The Rest of...

Mar 2, 2015

Winter is drawing to a close.

Weathermen, Ugh!!

Fact or Crap: One a piece for both of us.

Dog intelligence rankings.

Bar tricks.

Mail Bag:

Some humor from Mike.
1) You may be a Muslim
2) Mayday Mayday.

Two from Peter:
1) Brian Bostick.
2) Helicopter rescues 2 suspected Historic Military vandals.

Four from...