Oct 25, 2023
Life and political podcast.
Brought to you from The Divided States of America.
Click on "Read More" for Videos of the Week.
Biggest news of the week: Rest in peace Richard Roundtree. "Hey blood, give me some skin"
More on the Door County cat story. Lakeshore Humane Society
Videos of last week talk...
Oct 18, 2023
Life and political podcast.
Brought to you from The Divided States of America.
Click on "Read More" for Videos of the Week.
Israel-Hamas conflict....
US House still has no Speaker....
Is the GOP broken beyond repair?
What were you thinking?
Louisiana public school principal who punished student for dancing apologizes....
Oct 11, 2023
Life and political podcast.
Brought to you from The Divided States of America.
Click on "Read More" for Videos of the Week
Podcasting since 2006...
Buddies for many years...
Dan and Jill made a trip last weekend...
Greenbay Packers...
More football talk...
A good story from Dan's world...
Speaker of the House...
A Dan...
Oct 4, 2023
Life and political podcast.
Brought to you from The Divided States of America.
Click on "Read More" for Videos of the Week
You can't make this stuff up...
UAW strike...
No more on eating bugs...
Liars Club...
Running for President? Independent write-in candidate...
A-Z of gender identity...
Gender pronouns?