Mar 25, 2013
You need some cheese and crackers with that
Fact or Crap: One a piece for both of us.
Mail Bag:
One from a guy at work: Professor makes students “Stomp on
Three from Pete:
1) CVS workers must reveal weight or pay
2) School Board votes to end dual-language immersion
program at Chavez.
Mar 18, 2013
Some talk about the weather.
Fact or Crap: One a piece for each of us.
Mail Bag:
Three from Denny:
1) McConnell's wife pushes back on racial attacks in
2) Man left in solitary confinement for 2
Snakes of the
Week - Sheriff's Department Dona Ana County, New
3) Wrong woman buried following...
Mar 11, 2013
More snow in God's country.
A new Pope in the coming week.
News 24/7.
Mail Bag:
Three from Mike:
1) Geography of a woman.
2) Adult Scrabble.
3) Letter from an Airline Pilot.
One from Earl: Chavez bites the dust.
Three from Ray:
1) Wow...woman stops Grizzly bear attack with .25 cal
2) Senior drivers.
Mar 4, 2013
Big snow storm coming.
The annual Indian Winter story.
Dan's a Grandpa again, first Granddaughter.
Mail Bag:
A joke from Ray.
Two from Pete:
1) Madison psychiatrist charged with possessing child
2) Student hides in locker to catch a thief, her
Two from Peter:
1) A Joke.
2) JCPenney loses money.