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Elimination of the Snakes

The word "politics" is derived from the word "poly" meaning "many", and the word "ticks", meaning "blood sucking parasites".

Oct 21, 2019

Retirement is a good thing. One mans opinion!

Dan had some medical tests done.

A night with the grandchildren.

Fact or Crap: One a piece for both us this week.

Mail Bag:

One from Joe: Florida man sentenced to 20 years in deadly parking confrontation.

Three from Mike:

1) Declassified court documents...

Oct 14, 2019

Couple of buddies from High school doing this podcast thing.

Dan reminisces a bit.

We're getting older... Go figure.


Is there another polar vortex coming?

Dan has a master plan.

Fact or Crap: We done good this week.

Off the rails on a soft drink tangent.

Mail Bag:

One from Joe:

1) Nurses gave patients Benadryl...

Oct 7, 2019

We're baaaack...


Another Dan story. Papa Murphy's, Taco Bell, Oh My!

Life and Political Podcast.

Fact or Crap: We blew it this week. "Wah-Wah-Wah"

Mail Bag:

Three from Joe:

1) Aubrey O'Day says she was forced to take off shirt on American Airlines flight.

2) Maine woman receives 500...