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Elimination of the Snakes

The word "politics" is derived from the word "poly" meaning "many", and the word "ticks", meaning "blood sucking parasites".

Feb 18, 2019

More snow in our area. Yippee! Let us know what you think.

Fact or Crap: One right for Dan, two for John.

Mail Bag:

Two from Joe:

1) The border wall saga in the White House continues: National Emergency Declaration

Sen. Cruz to Congress: Make El Chapo pay for the wall.

George H. W. Bush vs Donald Trump... What does acting presidential mean?

2) Ocasio-Cortez's boyfriend granted House email account.

One from Peter:

1) School apologizes after telling student to cover up anti-discrimination shirt.

The Rest of the Show:

1) MSNBC slammed for graphic showing only white, male potential 2020 candidates.

2) Burger King settles with customer who sued for reneging on free food offer.

3) Teacher avoids prison time for sexually assaulting student.