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Elimination of the Snakes

The word "politics" is derived from the word "poly" meaning "many", and the word "ticks", meaning "blood sucking parasites".

Sep 28, 2015

Technical difficulties?

Fact of Crap: One for Dan, two for John.

Mail Bag:

No Mail Bag this week.

The Rest of the Show:

1) Scott Walker drops out of race.

2) President IQ's.

3) Wisconsin a red state?

4) Interviewing authors.

5) Judge rules man's arrest for writing profanity on speeding ticket was...


Sep 14, 2015

I'd like to blame the equipment.


No show this week due to John having a senior moment.

Next week we're going to watch the Packers play Seattle.

Back  on Sept. 27th.

God willing and the creek don't rise.


Sep 7, 2015

Hot and sticky in Clyde.

A big thing in Dan's life.

Girly man.

Fact or Crap: We blew it this week.

Mail Bag:

A joke from Al in New Jersey.

One from Damon: About that cheerleader.

Two from Joe:
1) Mom says United left her son alone at airport.
2) Peoria settles suit over parody Twitter account that mocked...