Oct 19, 2015
Dan has a senior moment with his backpack.
A rapid Conjunctive event, Oh my.
Matthew Mitchell is going to join us again next
Fact or Crap: Two right for John, one for Dan.
Mail Bag:
Three from Joe:
1) Unarmed Michigan teen fatally shot by officer in traffic
2) Weeping woman kicked off of...
Oct 12, 2015
Watching the salmon on Lake Michigan.
Shady car dealers.
Going to New York.
Fact or Crap: We both got 1 out of 2 this
Mail Bag:
One from Damon on the John Jay players ref
Two from Joe:
1) U.S. officials conclude Iran deal violates federal
2) North Charleston to pay $6.5M settlement to
Oct 5, 2015
On the book front.
Dad won't let drowning daughter be saved by "strange"
Fact or Crap: One right for John, none for
Mail Bag:
Four from Joe:
1) Saudi hajj disaster toll rises as Iran announces 465
dead pilgrims.
2) Secret Service tried to discredit GOP rep. who was
investigating agency...