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Elimination of the Snakes

The word "politics" is derived from the word "poly" meaning "many", and the word "ticks", meaning "blood sucking parasites".

May 31, 2010

Hug a Vet this Memorial Day.
God bless our troops.

Mail Bag:

1) Did you get a raise? Remember in November.
2) Bumper stickers are getting angrier.

One from the Banty Rooster(Becky): She has some answers.

IABL Worldwide scam?

One from Harold: Making money at roulette?

Al sends one in this week: Theodore...

May 24, 2010

Elimination of the Snakes live? Hmmmmm....

Mail Bag:

One from Mel this week: Jenny Craig for men.

One from Mike: Did you know?

One from Earl: Civil War II?

A couple thoughts from chris:
Which Leaders Rock Our World?
Say No to Socialism.

The Rest of the Show:

1) WWII Vet ordered to remove American Flag from...

May 17, 2010


The gangs all here Patrick, Earl and Chris join Dan and John.

Mail Bag:

No mail bag tonight.  

The Rest of the Show:

1) Deep water drilling and oil spills.

2) Undocumented student's arrest called part of "civil rights disaster".

3) Illegal immigration and Arizona.  

4) Elana Kagan.

5) Upcoming November elections.


May 10, 2010

Look out more politics is in the future.

Mother's Day Stories.

PSA: Colonoscopy Tales, O'boy.

Mail Bag:

Amazing story from  Mike: An Elephant Tale.

Two more humorous stories from Denny.

One from Chris this week: I'll never get them all sent...
1) Exclusive: FEC commissioner helped RNC conceal role in 2004 vote...

Shit Happens, no show this week.(It'll be twice as good next week.)

May 3, 2010