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Elimination of the Snakes

The word "politics" is derived from the word "poly" meaning "many", and the word "ticks", meaning "blood sucking parasites".

Aug 29, 2016

EOTS is now paying for their email.

Dan's annual cabin trip is coming.

Fishing with Dan.

Back to 3rd party candidates.

Fact of Crap: One a piece for both of us this week.

Rock stars and drugs! WTF!

Mail Bag:

Three from Joe this week:

1) AP's Bombshell Clinton Foundation report comes under scrutiny.

2) Family claims...

Aug 22, 2016

Great Read: 14 by Peter Clines.

A sad state of affairs.

Things are rough in Danville.

Fact or Crap: One a piece for both of us this week.

Mail Bag:

One from Earl: July 2016 was Earth's hottest month on record.


Second hand smoke?


The Rest of the Show:

Is it time for a...

Aug 15, 2016

Hall of Fame game cancelled. WTF !?!

This election cycle is absolutely crazy!

Fact or Crap: One a piece for both of us.

Mail Bag:

One from Damon: Keeping us posted.

>>> All Lives Matter <<<

One from Peter.

A couple from Joe:

1) $400 million flown to Iran as U.S. prisoners freed.

2) Tennessee state lawmaker planned to...

Aug 1, 2016

The Conventions, a couple of sorry-ass parties.

Fact or Crap: One right, one wrong for both of us.

Mail Bag:

One from Anonymous: Unsustainable minimum wage.

One from Joe: Diner offers “Dictator Obama” breakfast special.

The Rest of the Show:

1) Bill Clinton.

2) Mitt Romney / Gary Johnson.

3) Libertarian Party.
