Feb 26, 2018
Dan's, Holy Crap I got pneumonia story.
Get a hold of us at eots@email.com
Fact or Crap: One for John, none for Dan this week.
Mail Bag:
One from Peter: Jennifer Lawrence to quit acting for a year to "fix our democracy".
Three from Joe:
1) Norwegian flag mistaken for Confederate flag in Seattle.
2) Parent hands...
Feb 12, 2018
We're back!?!
What a great Super Bowl !!!
Global Warming is the cause of everything.
Another Dan story. (Valentine's Day gift shopping at Walmart.)
Fact or Crap: One a piece this week.
Mail Bag:
One from Mike: Are we the ones aging?
Three from Peter:
1) ESPN's Jemele Hill doubles down on anti-Trump rhetoric.